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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. It sure looks like a robust contraction in production capacity and efficiency has taken hold. Demand destruction may be the wrong prescription for the current inflation variant.
  2. No one is that dumb. As I have been warning for months, the end of this round of QE (6 trillion cumulatively in MBS and treasury debt) meant the inflated bubbles would become vulnerable. These inflated bubbles had knock on effects (leverage) for riskier debt (e.g., see crypto). Now the Fed is selling and raising interest rates to dry up liquidity in an effort to curb inflation (which was primarily caused by cost-push inflation (supply chain disruptions that increase the cost of goods)). With unemployment relatively low, the Fed’s dual mandate is satisfied by merely combatting inflation via interest rate hikes and balance sheet reductions. These tools create deflationary pressure on overpriced assets. Given the continued supply chain disruptions, there is no justification to keep pouring starter fluid into an overheated economy not firing on all cylinders. It’s a blunt set of tools with a good risk of recession and pain. But the Fed’s mandate to curb inflation is clear and unequivocal. The Fed protects International Capital to maintain the value of the USD as the world’s primary reserve currency. The Fed’s independence allows it to make these painful decisions for those purposes. tldr: the Fed giveth; the Fed taketh away.
  3. I am more concerned with the societal repercussions - as expressed in this journal article - and the right to a fair trial. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20563051211021378 While online harassment is recognized as a significant problem, most scholarship focuses on descriptions of harassment and its effects. We lack explanations of why people engage in online harassment beyond simple bias or dislike. This article puts forth an explanatory model where networked harassment on social media functions as a mechanism to enforce social order. Drawing from examples of networked harassment taken from qualitative interviews with people who have experienced harassment (n = 28) and Trust & Safety workers at social platforms (n = 9), the article builds on Brady, Crockett, and Bavel’s model of moral contagion to explore how moral outrage is used to justify networked harassment on social media. In morally motivated networked harassment, a member of a social network or online community accuses a target of violating their network’s norms, triggering moral outrage. Network members send harassing messages to the target, reinforcing their adherence to the norm and signaling network membership. Frequently, harassment results in the accused self-censoring and thus regulates speech on social media. Neither platforms nor legal regulations protect against this form of harassment. This model explains why people participate in networked harassment and suggests possible interventions to decrease its prevalence.
  4. Trial by TikTok from the BBC News: Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's 'Trial by TikTok' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-61649522 The author suggests there may be a chilling effect on victims coming forward with genuine abuse complaints. Frankly, I believe the judge made a mistake allowing this trial to be televised.
  5. One person - Phil Gramm - Georgia fucknut teaching voodoo economics at aggy - was the forerunmer of Texas Repubs today.
  6. Quite a few I know have made that decision - especially the blueberries surrounded by raspberry soup nazis. They will not go quietly.
  7. Do-nothing Congress. Insanity to keep voting for these bastards and bitches. Vote them all out.
  8. Tias are more reachable after the Uvalde massacre. Abbott's Texas is not their standard. MeeMaws are a different story; they raise fat cowards.
  9. The Atlantic with a somber note on the attention the case received in social media circles: https://apple.news/A2k58qTnlSn-opsKaXoE9zw
  10. There is a reason shitlibs are called shit libs neera is almost as dumb as Texas Repubs.
  11. The Golden Hour for attending to combat injuries was wasted by waiting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_hour_(medicine)
  12. Fed minutes out at 2 pm. Looking for whether Fed will pause hikes when neutral rate reached or whether the Fed will continue hikes until inflation cessation achieved. Doves want pause; hawks want rate increases until inflation controlled.
  13. If you vote Republican, you are the problem.
  14. It’s the dismal tide. A wave of nihilism so dark and empty that it cannot be contained.
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