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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. That takes skill in my unskilled opinion. The “incorrect letters” leave clues of what words and sounds can be ignored. Well done.
  2. Wordle 231 2/6 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I was lucky to get the first two letters.
  3. Is it fair to say the JRE is a scaled up and dumbed down Art Bell Show?
  4. I prefer the cuneiform variety, but the Mayans produced some fierce bas-relief.
  5. The Metaverse has not been getting great press. An early warning by MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/12/16/1042516/the-metaverse-has-a-groping-problem/amp/ NSFW Sounds like the incels have already moved in.
  6. I agree with your conclusion. Media siloing has proven to be divisive - tearing away the fragile social fabric of the nation (along with providing some tangible and intangible social positives). There remain antitrust issues in Tech that will need to be addressed. TLDR: the FB team lost to Apple in the NRL last night in a battle of heavyweights.
  7. I am checking the deer blinds in Maine to make sure no Canadians are sneaking across. Care to help the effort?
  8. I remember that 1985 ice storm. Everyone kept waiting for it to hit and it slowed. People let down their guard and then got caught out in the ice. The roads became a luge track.
  9. Apple’s move benefited Apple product users and shareholders. Smart move.
  10. She doesn’t skip Leg Day . . . well done. Nice gams.
  11. Looks like my GI doctor when she is going in deep. Same smirk.
  12. Ice line hitting Erath County in North Texas. (Stephenville). Ice extending to Denton and Sherman. Mineral Wells and Granbury are about to transition to the freezing stuff. Fort Worth up to Paris soon. Time to settle in for a warm winter’s nap up in the DFW Metroplex and “North Texas.” Watch out for tree limbs.
  13. I remain a permabull. Buy the dip. May 2020 was rather dark.
  14. Agree. Dropped for some; increased for others. Inquiring minds would like current data.
  15. May of 2020 (when the subject poll was taken) feels like a decade ago.
  16. That would be a bery bad thing. Hopefully that’s just hype. We got about 9-11 inches of fluffy snow in Denver from this polar injection of cold headed your way. No ice, thankfully.
  17. The GSS data for this 2020 report was gathered between May 21-29, 2020. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
  18. Quick update on the expected snowfall for the Front Range in Colorado:
  19. The Metroplex looking like ice-ice baby (written by Dallas’ own Vanilla Ice). North Texans should know what to do with ice storms - mostly. Good luck DFW.
  20. Microspikes and Yaktrax (pictured above) are fantastic for walking on ice. Highly recommended and cheap.
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