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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. To be a fly on that wall. Good luck. Could be a coverage (health insurance) issue.
  2. The Fed turned off the $120 billion a month subsidy to the markets (in place since March 2020) and intends to raise rates several times this year to combat inflation (which hurts tech that relies on cheap financing). Chairman Powell (Repub) has turned hawkish. I guess we could blame Biden for renominating Powell as the Fed Chair, but the nation made it clear they are scared of inflation. This is the inflation medicine - Paul Volcker style.
  3. The markets are falling because the Fed is no longer pumping $120 billion a month into markets and will raise rates this year - in order to combat inflation. The Fed has turned hawkish and that is deflating some bubbles. TLDR: Brrrt has silenced.
  4. The end of the Fed’s $120 billion a month subsidy to the markets and promise to raise rates rapidly this year (all to combat inflation) is drying up excess liquidity for Tech and crypto. The Fed is using its inflation tools.
  5. You are not this stupid. I refuse to believe it.
  6. It only gets easier when you stay with it. Consider adding in an 800 regularly. It will make the 400 seem so much easier.
  7. Reminder about China - they are still pursuing COVID-zero. We gave that up a long time ago. The Olympics will be interesting given China’s stance on eliminating COVID.
  8. The move from pandemic to endemic is a tough shift for many (both sides).
  9. Zion National Park - Today is the deadline to obtain a permit for hiking all the way to the top of Angels Landing. The permit gets you access to the chains section of the hike. They went to the permit system because of crowding at the top on the chains. https://www.nps.gov/zion/planyourvisit/angels-landing-hiking-permits.htm
  10. I watched the speech and the press conference in their entirety. The President went deep on policy. I was impressed with his command of the issues and his directness. But few Americans care and the Press spins and sells headlines rather than engaging in the substantive issues. For those concerned with his grasp of the issues, watch the presser. I think you might find some solace. He wasn’t my choice for the nomination, but the handwringing is overplayed and wheezy. YMMV
  11. Big press conference coming for Biden. Clyburne’s decision in the primary season weighs heavy on the Party. Good luck Mr President.
  12. Is that a Woolly Mammoth Tusk? confrats on the life up there. Keep exploring. Hook ‘em.
  13. Fierce. Love the art. The patina surrounding the stars connotes strength and reliability in my eyes. The stories it could tell. what is the pronoun for coins among collectors? She or it?
  14. If the Treasury holds gold as a fallback, it has value. Interest is down. This type of inflation is misunderstood when the Fed is turning off the spigots rather quickly. Since it was artificial ($120 billion a month since March 2020), there was no play in gold longer term. It looks to be priced well given the Fed hawkish pivot to control inflation. If the inflation risk is low long term, gold waits. It’s not going anywhere. cryoto has not behaved as an inflation hedge in this go around.
  15. We Normans object to your use of the word French. We Northmen invented France to attract women. Pay homage to your ancestors. (Gold coin accepted).
  16. Living is easy with eyes closed - misunderstanding all you see.
  17. Crenshaw dependence on dullards is coming home to roost. MTG going after him for being a “globalist” pawn. Dumb on dumb is delicious.
  18. “Don’t question my faith; that’s unchristian of you!” - Dan Morrisette Crenshaw.
  19. Fantastic. If you don’t know the plot or have trouble with lyrical prose by Shakespeare, I would definitely watch with captions. The cinematographer nailed Joel Coen’s aesthetic for the film. Best Denzel since Training Day. YMMV. beautiful and well-acted film
  20. Or just start locking the containers and planting drones over the problem areas with Bulls (federally authorized railroad police) at the ready to intervene. The Bulls need to step up their game to modern times. They have the drones already. Use them for something useful (if $5,000,000 in losses means something to the railroad’s owners). dramatic imagery. Unfortunately it feeds some of humankind’s ugliest instincts in those who are still fighting the Civil War pt. 1. That’s just the world today in America. If the Railroad didn’t care enough to protect the loads, I am not sure I should care. YMMV appreciate the imagery and links to the reporter.
  21. About time. Sedition was their motive and intent on January 6.
  22. Sinema continues her grift: I love the fake sad tone.
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