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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. It’s a smoking gun in Trump’s wee hands. His delay either shows intent to carry through with John Eastman’s Constitutional tools for retaining power after losing an election. Or it shows he has such a depraved heart that he was indifferent or amused by the suffering he could stop but didn’t wanna. A child’s temperament with zero remorse.
  2. The noose is tightening. Meadows’ texts indicate Trump calling the shots that day.
  3. Beards may be necessary (or the divorce rate might spike)
  4. First thing we need to do is round up the architects and make them squeal.
  5. And the best wanna song is . . . Pulp - Wanna live like Common People
  6. Environmental arbitrage and greenwashing (if true, and I have no reason to doubt what you are saying). California's energy is diverse (providing relative stability) - but environmental arbitrage is bullshit.
  7. Porter is a fantastic Representative. She understands and performs the job well. We need more Katie Porters in government. She understands numbers - which makes her dangerous to those making money off of creating corporate subsidies (i.e., welfare for corporations). And she knows who the idiots are . . .
  8. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/lawyer-for-sgt-daniel-perry-reacts-to-kyle-rittenhouse-verdict Sgt Perry's case is still in the pre-trial phase. His lawyer says the Rittenhouse trial is an example of why it's important for a jury to view all the evidence from both sides. Psychopaths want to play Purge games.
  9. To be fair, the Fed did not give away money to humans. The only way for humans to cash in on the Fed "free money" was to "Follow the Fed" - which the surly collective embraced enthusiastically. The Fed is still pumping free money to non-humans - but rather than $120 billion a month in free money, it will be $105 billion, then $90 billion a month, . . .. - some say the tapering has already priced into the market. If the taper has not been priced in - good luck to us all.
  10. Yep. Maoism (ideology above all else died in 1972). Today, ideology means little in the present moment. The economy is state capitalism. The justification for capitalism has been made that capitalism will lead to communism, some day. There has been a turn to imperialism as they become the world's largest economy. They want their own economic spheres in the Western Pacific and with nations adjacent to China's belt and road initiative. If you compare this to a Risk game board, one can see the projection of power and control. (It's in German - so think Risk board game and view.): I understand why Xi so confident. Look at the size of that economic sphere China wishes to dominate.
  11. Fact. Turtle head Viking guy is a truthteller but works for the Illuminati. He will understand my message to his turtle-headed people.
  12. Any one a little help please. As a sport, is there more standing around in cricket or baseball?
  13. Agree. I would love to see the sentencing report. This statement seems so matter of fact about that crucial next step into lawlessness. John Lolos: “I see a window, it’s broken, people are going inside, yeah, I went inside, your honor.” I wonder how many think like him.
  14. Not a problem. Because of their violent attacks on the United States in their effort to end representative democracy in this nation, they can be classified as unlawful enemy combatants. Based on the laws of war and American precedent, enemy combatants are subject to summary execution.
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