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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. Good to know you won't be of any help.
  2. A rational country cure would cure the infirmed who choose such displays of open idiocy and makw a mockery of my Second Amendment rights. We cannot ban open carry because of the Second Amendment, but we can cure the infirmed. We will do nothing and reap the whirlwind.
  3. The dismal tide is cresting (and resembles a dangerous shorebreak).
  4. As a city dweller with 17 year old sons, I will again caution them to stay away from Protests and Counter-Protests near Civic Center Park in Denver. How about you?
  5. Flame Broiling v. Fried. Advantage BK. Mayo as the standard condiment: Disadvantage BK.
  6. Careful, @Bravo is eager to send dick pics. I am sure he is clever enough can stage an eruption.
  7. Good man. If concerned, I would contact her office as request a refund of the donation. I have not decided who to support in my opposition to Boebert. Donavan withdrawing due to redistricting has left the race scrambled.
  8. You know why . . . Same as it ever was for this lot stuck in 1950's. Your gender triggers them and your candid takes confuse them. Still undefeated.
  9. The actual left has been embroiled in a non-stop fight between Stalin supporters and Trotsky supporters for some time now.
  10. Agree, but they work in the same sphere. Muckraking, Yellow, or Checkbook journalism may be more precise. Or just classify it as political propaganda.
  11. +9 Republican. Boebert will struggle for reelection, though. Colorado doesn't tolerate stupids like most of R-nation.
  12. Pueblo ready to replace her. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/colorados-final-congressional-redistricting-map-keeps-pueblo-in-large-rural-co-3/ar-AAOY0Gz Boebert's anticipated challenger (Kerry Donavan) was redistricted out of the 3rd Congressional District. Sol Sandoval of Pueblo may be the strongest contender now:
  13. Not really. Project Veritas is advocacy journalism. Advocacy journalism rejects objectivity as a value.
  14. Solution: Kill your twitter and free yourself.
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