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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. The press outnumbers the protestors/supporters. Apparently are only about 30 protestors in Kenosha. Funniest post-verdict reaction was a troll "supporter" of Kyle capturing dozens of news media live streams. He says his name is - "Brandon Lesco." A whoosh moment for those covering the trial, as expected.
  2. Verdict reached. Jury coming back. (according to the judge).
  3. He's an anchorman at the NBC Affiliate in Denver. He has a separate public affairs program on KUSA (9 News Denver). He's made mistakes, but he corrects his mistakes with apologies and on air retractions. I contacted his producer on one of his mistakes - and the retraction and apology were issued quickly and fully. Smart journalist.
  4. She's not, of course. There are many out there who do not understand the role of independent central banks as regulators of banks and their efforts to streamline the banking system. Many are stuck on Andrew Jackson-like notions of central banks straight out of the 1830's using assumptions from that time that no longer exist in reality. Jackson, of course, was an American Nationalist first. He lived in a day when the dollar was not the dominant world reserve currency, so Jackson's views on central banks are inapposite to our dominant Federal Reserve System with its strong dollar. Jackson was worried about our weakness to foreign central banks in the 1830's. Jackson, an American Nationalist, would cheer on our dominant reserve currency. Whenever they don't know something, they just screech "Commie" or "Socialism" to obscure ignorance. Rather than taking the time to check the credibility of their assertions, they toss Commie or Socialist on the wall and find out if it sticks with their mindless drones. It's always the fallback - because we have too many gullible rubes who get stuck in the terminology. Ignore is your friend
  5. impermissible negative jury nullification:
  6. Ana is demonstrating what may be occurring in the jury room, with Ana portraying what negative jury nullification looks like when deliberating. For a dramatic glimpse at positive jury nullification, see 12 Angry Men, with Henry Fonda using the threat of jury nullification. He encourages other jurors to ignore the mob (in and outside the jury deliberation room). Juries play the vital role in the delivery of criminal justice. If a juror wants to bring home jury instructions, that's a good sign they are doing homework and reading the material the night before so deliberations pick up the next day. Smart. I am surprised it was allowed, but the judge appears to have trust in this jury. On to the movies . . .
  7. To translate the negative interest rate issue above, may I present BlackRock's narrative on this phenomenon - and the drivers: https://www.blackrock.com/us/individual/insights/negative-real-rates (Note: not dark mode compatible):
  8. I see it. Damn. I am gonna with . . . alien creatures wearing human skinsuits?
  9. For the Boomers in Dallas - your greatest contribution to culture (after making shiny shirts look cringe. Thank you for your sacrifice to fashion overkill.)
  10. I went to more than one happy hour at a Bennigans when it was a meat market. And the Olds had fancy date nights at Steak and Ale. Here's Whitney:
  11. BTC 50 day moving average busted. 100 day moving average (support) is at 53k. Twitter rejection/IRS crypto enforcement appear to be drivers. Question - Do moving averages matter in the crypto space? I ask because it is obvious crypto remains in the volatile price discovery process.
  12. The producer who ordered the kid to follow the jury bus last night needs to be fired.
  13. Judge on the bench: NBC/MSNBC had a reporter follow the sealed bus carrying the jurors. Judge makes a brief statement and back to waiting on the jury.
  14. Ethical rules bar contingency fee arrangements in criminal matters.
  15. The Defense in that case is also claiming self-defense based on a fear that an unarmed man might take his shotgun. Unlike this case, the Defense knows their only hope is jury nullification or hung jury (hoping one juror will not vote to convict). It's an ugly. And the video is right out of the early 1960's in the south:
  16. @Gidnik - First, answer my question above. Where's the flaw? That's where the concern lies. That's the lynchpin of the State's case. The State doesn't represent victims. The State represents the State. The law needs to be fixed - pronto - by the Wisconsin House and Senate. This current law has a strong tendency to encourage violent behavior - by all sides who attach themselves onto protests. In an age when most get their "news" from social media + if it bleeds, it leads "journalism" - we are setting up shooting galleries in states with similar laws. The law is contrary to public policy and needs a quick fix. This could get ugly for both sides, and no one wants that, do they? Not admissible according to this judge.
  17. Thank you - seriously. I left the Metroplex a long time ago.
  18. If you were a lawyer with a genuine conflict of interest like yours, simple disclosure would not be enough. The attorney would be unable to represent the client (or would need to withdraw from representation).
  19. If you work for a for-profit corporation, the people who pay you have a paramount legal duty to maximize profits for shareholders. That's conflict with impartiality. Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, France, Greece, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States disagree with your epiphany.
  20. Southlake is worst name for a suburb north of Dallas and Fort Worth. Was it shortened from "kind of south of Grapevine Lake"? And why is Lake Dallas a town next to Lake Lewsiville, and not in Dallas? I never liked that area of the Metroplex. The Von Erich wrestling clan from those parts looked tough.
  21. Here are the rules governing my conduct. Show me yours. https://www.cobar.org/RulesofProfessionalConduct
  22. Tell me about conflicts of interest in your world. I have zero idea what your profession/occupation requires because I don't have a reference point.
  23. I cannot speak for the Texas legal system.
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