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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. He carried it for self-defense. He was in reasonable in fear of his life and, in fact, he was shot by an armed counter-protestor advancing on the protestors. Agree?
  2. Litigating attorneys (barristers) are duty-bound Officers of the Court and subject to the court's jurisdiction in cases brought before the courts. The courts punch down hard on attorney fuckups. An attorney's ticket can be pulled for matters you might consider trivial. Some of those things - like segregation of client funds - is zero tolerance in most states. Contingency fee agreements expand access to the courts for those less fortunate.
  3. I humbly opine it's too soon to stop counting cases given the number of unboostered and unvaccinated. They need to know when there is a greater chance of getting struck by lightning in their area. If we have moved on to letting them die, if they want to, I will wash my hands of this.
  4. Well said, one and all. So . . . big brains . . . is this a personality cult that wants to reverse time and believe only Trump holds the answer? Or - are the nihilists at our door?
  5. I expect nothing less . . . from a dentist.
  6. It's part of the current DNA of the Democratic Party: From 2019: The celebration of charismatic, conflict-averse uniters in Democratic-led White Houses (Clinton and Obama) omits a key, and punishing, shift in Democratic politics from anything resembling a viable effort to build a long-term majoritarian liberal coalition. Over the past two decades, Democrats steadily lost disaffected former supporters, while failing to consistently mobilize young or economically precarious people alienated from the entire political process, as the Republican Party increasingly became a nihilistic, anti-democratic machine designed to bamboozle a white elderly base and thwart the desires of the larger public for the sake of an entrenched oligarchy.
 All the while, Democratic leaders continue to campaign and govern from a crouched, defensive position even after they win power. They have bought into the central ideological proposition, peddled by apparatchiks and consultants aligned with the conservative movement, that America is an incorrigibly “center-right” nation, and they have precious little strategy or inclination to move that consensus leftward—to fight, in other words, to change the national consensus; the sort of activity that was once understood as “politics.” 
  7. The one in Lolita slams and goes hard after a day of fishing the scenic Lavaca Bay Casey's General Convenience Stores in rural Nebraska serve some damn good pizza.
  8. To be fair to the jury - they waited hours while the luddite judge and lawyers demonstrated their inability to discuss technology. I think it is probably a jury making sure they reach the proper verdict.
  9. Just breaking for the day. My bad. I thought they were coming back with a verdict. My apologies.
  10. Jury coming back to break for the day.
  11. I wish it wasn't the Lakers; they are rather divisive for those outside of Southern California. But . . . Nice little rebound. Volatility remain high (same as it ever was). ETH up +2.3%. I would love to earn 2% daily. Any volatility plays in this volatile market?
  12. Jury coming back to the courtroom to watch videos - without anyone present (it becomes the jury deliberation room temporarily). The bailiffs are checking the courtroom for listening/recording devices left in the church pews behind the bar.
  13. That's an important point to those of us outside the courtroom. OJ's jury consultant has been present for the Defense and may be providing insight to the Defense team on the jury's group psychology. As you point out, none of us have been able to watch how the jury's reaction to certain evidence.
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