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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. Kyle Lowry getting no love from NBA Twitter:
  2. "Boys, let's go out there and win one for the Pinker!"
  3. The photos are awful. Perhaps intentional or poorly designed. On the chicken nugget question, I thought of chick-fil-a nuggets rather than a mcnugget - and that does satiate an occasional itch - so that's a +1 for me. I loathe mac and cheese (-1), but lobster mac and cheese (French Laundry-style) is heavenly (+2). The chili question made me think of what our chili champions here would concoct - so that was a +2 for me. I think my natural bias after three kids is to downgrade what I think of as kid food (which has nothing to do with how others view those same foods). But then I kept remembering how good "kid friendly food" can be. When I saw the hot dog photo, I thought of this (+2 on my scale). (Chicago-style hot dog) The pork photo was particularly unrepresentative of the succulent nature of the luscious fat goodness rendered from piggies. (+2) (Pork Tenderloin with Sauce Poivrade) The gold leaf eating cuisine is gonna get rich folk eaten by the when push comes to shove. Additionally, eating gold leaf is aesthetically tacky and gauche. tacky, tacky, tacky. Seriously though, if the research is accurate, I wonder what role food islands play in creating the divergence in food choice across classes of American society?
  4. washparkhorn


    Coming home shortly . . .
  5. Sara Eisen "claimed" it was a microphone battery pack.
  6. Food Choice test and class status - https://www.idrlabs.com/food-choice/test.php My dislike of eating gold foil ruined my application for admission to the upper class.
  7. Here is the source for the information (no subscription required, yet) - https://www.dshs.texas.gov/news/releases/2021/20211108.aspx https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/covid19/data/Cases-and-Deaths-by-Vaccination-Status-11082021.pdf (pdf of study) Key Findings: 1. From September 4 through October 1, 2021: Unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to become infected with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people. Unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people. 2. Vaccination had a strong protective effect on infections and deaths among people of all ages. The protective impact on infections was consistent across adult age groups and even greater in people ages 12 to 17 years. The protective impact on COVID-19 deaths, which was high for all age groups, varied more widely. In the September time frame, unvaccinated people in their 40s were 55 times more likely to die from COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated people of the same age. Unvaccinated people aged 75 years and older were 12 times more likely to die than their vaccinated counterparts. 3. Overall, regardless of vaccination status, people in Texas were four to five times more likely to become infected with COVID-19 or suffer a COVID-19-associated death while the Delta variant was prevalent in Texas (August 2021) compared with a period before the Delta variant became prevalent (April 2021).
  8. When is Abbott banning the Bible? Genesis 19:34: The next day the firstborn told the younger one, "Look! I had sex with my father last night. Let's make him drink wine tonight again as well. Then you have sex with him, too. That way we'll preserve our father's lineage."
  9. From one of the books mention by Hot Wheels - "Horrible pornography that must be banned!!!" ~dumbasses everywhere.
  10. keep reading . . . https://www.chron.com/news/education/article/University-of-Austin-bari-weiss-david-mamet-16602695.php
  11. "Marjorie Taylor Greene points to 'common ground' between GOP and Nation of Islam." Wrong - Nation of Islam is non-violent when contrasted with today's GOP.
  12. I am long hydrogen and MSR reactors. On the storage side, we need to start choosing and building.
  13. How does one get lower than Larry Summers? Come to University of Austin and find out!
  14. Impotent grifting deserves a school song:
  16. . . . and deserves all the simping she receives. Gen X's Doris Day.
  17. She should shut the fuck up. Sounds like she may need more correction than a minimum security facility can offer in order for her to understand the magnitude of her crime.
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