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Everything posted by Bear19

  1. Not going to research it but when Fisher was first hired two years ago looch said their national championship run would occur in 2020. I think now he realizes their offensive line is going to be a pile of shit for at least two more years.
  2. There is no parody Looch. No need for one.
  3. Elko’s going to get his shit kicked in next Saturday.
  4. Now he can claim alcoholism as his defense and get a medical redshirt for this year. OU sucks.
  5. You’re right. And I doubt she has to pay for her subscription. The 12th man will take care of that.
  6. That video needs to be on TexAgs. Now.
  7. Being reported by TFloss32 that offensive lineman Kelvin Banks will announce a commitment today.
  8. Was Rumlin’s tweet simply rolling eyes? I would’ve thought there would’ve been more to it to get Hamm so disturbed. Of course he is disturbed for no reason anyway.
  9. Actually the Looch told them it would be 2020.
  10. Chin pubes favorite tactic. That and “as I”ve said before”.
  11. This is actually correct. Guessing you’re in a holiday inn.
  12. Has Eaton said that? If so I certainly missed it.
  13. May be true about Alford. But you’ll never get me to believe they invited him to campus to tell them they had pulled his offer.
  14. Jimbo would have taken Eaton in a heartbeat. They did not invite him to campus to pull his offer. They invited him to pressure him into committing. He did not. So who walked away from whom?
  15. I believe this is a very good take.
  16. Can they play volleyball?
  17. So they invited Eaton to their prison modeled campus just so they could pull his offer? They pressured him to commit. He didn’t. So who backed away from whom?
  18. He was talking about Moss, not Demas.
  19. Would someone compare TJ to Hodges Mitchell?
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