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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. We've got Cal next week and then go to Madison to play Wisconsin, then go to Seattle to play Washington and later face Boise State, Hawaii and Utah.
  2. Sitake is the first Tongan HC, and one of only 2 or 3 HC's born in another country.
  3. We need to get bowl eligible first before we even talk about bowls. But I'm kind of hoping we end up in the Frisco Bowl, just a few miles from my house.
  4. 2, 3, and 1 Kalani is simply awesome and a perfect fit for our program. He's a genuinely and sincerely a great guy and treats everyone like family.
  5. Ty Detmer, and the other offensive coaches were too inexperienced and were in way over their heads.
  6. It's all due to bringing in LSU OL coach Jeff Grimes.
  7. I had seriously given up on BYU football last year. This feels surreal to me.
  8. 2011 HS Grad, grey shirt in 2012, mission 2013-14. I'm happy for him. He's a humble and classy guy.
  9. I can't believe what I'm seeing, after last season I thought we were going to suck like Baylor this year.
  10. Finally, a pass to a TE!
  11. and objectively much more tame and sober. Don't let your anti-mormon bias cloud your objectivity.
  12. what's to be conflicted about, AZ fans can be awful.
  13. Kind of surprised our play. Was expecting to get blown out. Looking like Jeff Grimes and the coaching changes have made a difference. Now if we can get the refs to call AZ for their holds
  14. I'm hoping to go to this game, but I made the mistake of waiting too long hoping the ticket prices would continue to go down, but as of yesterday prices shot up. so it seems like to find any ticket at a decent price, I'll have to show up and find a scalper. Does anyone know if i would be likely to find scalpers at the stadium selling tickets for say $50? As for the game itself, I'm curious to see if Miami was just a flash in the pan last year or if Richt has turned things around. I'm also curious to see if LSU has improved any under Orgeron. In either case, I'm rooting for LSU.
  15. Finally they are putting on this game. Can't stand the sight of Ohio State and its fans.
  16. SDSU is well-coached by Rocky Long, who helped pioneer the 3-3-5. Their running game will be solid as they've been able to plug in stellar RBs (Darnell Pumphrey, Rashad Penney). Should be a low to medium-range scoring game.
  17. I just popped in to remind everyone that OU sucks.
  18. Not sure if you're being sarcastic here?
  19. Wish I werent doing keto, otherwise I'd be enjoying some popcorn while watching this trainwreck.
  20. I don't think so. It would likely have had to have been in writing or print.
  21. because you could slam a door on it and not feel a thing
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