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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. I'm talking about how they don't have money to put aside because it all goes towards basic living expenses and bills, not luxuries and trips.
  2. That's assuming that they even have the money to put aside. With the cost of everything going up and wages not keeping pace, it's no wonder why many simply aren't.
  3. Not really since health care isn't needed when you go from living and breathing one moment to falling over dead.... The dead don't need healthcare.....
  4. All the while, countless children are starving in Alabama....
  5. Smith was having sex toys sent to his office, etc. McMurphy isn't letting up.
  6. McMurphy revealing Smith's sexual escapades both on campus and at the white house.
  7. after converting them from TIGHT ENDS
  8. What's wrong with their uni's, it matches their flag which I think is badass and its a unique look with a color scheme that isn't similar to other schools.
  9. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/texas-ranks-dead-last-in-percentage-of-adults-with-health-insurance
  10. A good example of why you don't privatize public services and infrastructure/maintenance.
  11. Start at the 15:30 min mark https://www.periscope.tv/w/1mnGeoEQqLQxX
  12. Dirt cheap tuition https://admissions.byu.edu/how-much-does-it-cost. When I attended over a decade ago, I paid no more than $1,800 per semester .
  13. the absolutely best school for linguistics and studying foreign languages is BYU (Brigham Young) and for good reason. Plus tuition, housing, etc will be cheaper by a mile compared to those schools. But, hands down, BYU has the best foreign language department in the nation and one of the best in the world.
  14. I'm quarter Jewish (Polish-speaking great grandparents came here from Lithuania, holla!), so i guess that makes me Jew-ish?
  15. It goes both ways, It's also to protect our rights and freedoms from encroachment on them by religious institution. I've seen this first hand by not only my own church with Prop 8 but other organizations who tout "religious freedom" because they can't restrict the rights and liberties of others who don't share their beliefs. Again, it's a two-way street.
  16. Do you not see the dishonesty about what people like him are doing? If you bothered to read the Bible itself even Christ and his apostles railed against those who would use religion to get worldly gain. Again, note the hypocrisy and dishonesty in what these charlatans do. It's antithetical to the Gospel itself.
  17. The separation of church and state also applies to keeping church out of our government. And if they try to influence our government like a PAC or any other organization then they should be taxed. The biggest threat to our freedoms is when others try to legislate their beliefs upon others. Have you ever lived in Utah? I have and I've seen first hand how it creeps into the lives of everyone.
  18. Yes, I saw that. But that was the first mention of a grocery chain store called Lowes that I've heard of. And rember what happens when we all ASSume things...
  19. Really? I've never heard of Lowes the grocery store till I read this thread.
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