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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. Mask should take it upon himself to be the first to colonize Mars....... on his own.
  2. You're forgetting something... the Gulf is the other "left coast" in Florida.
  3. He probably meant to say 'naggers."
  4. The parents of Freddie Mercury were the greatest thing to come out of that country...... aside from some of the womenz
  5. I imagine with the lack of food, they probably stopped passing gas a while ago.
  6. What's impressive is that they have pretty much everything you are looking for in a typical grocery store (food wise) yet on only a few aisles. It's super efficient.
  7. She's not capable of selfies.
  8. I once got into a twitter debate with him about how conservatives tend to be anti-Jewish. That debate didn't last long and he blocked me.
  9. That aint going to happen, BYU delivers both attendance and ratings for Las Vegas. Vegas Bowl loves BYU. It will be SEC vs Pac 12. There are already Pac12 vs Big12 matchups and an SEC vs Pac12 would be more intriguing and draw greater ratings An SEC vs Pac 12 bowl needs to happen and most likely will.
  10. She aint a lady if she aint 280.
  11. Sadly, in this country, guns are more sacred than peoples lives and safety.
  12. Just goes to show that even when you are comfortably well off financially, money is only just one less thing and other problems and worries take ones attention. Money doesn't really buy happiness. My older brother hanged himself, so I guess I might be in the minority when it comes to finding humor in any of this.
  13. I think this discussion is all about jumping through all sorts of hoops, etc to avoid the obvious and more direct solution. But pointing it out what it is would just make me an asshole...
  14. reminds me of an episode of South Park where Mr.... Mrs. Garrison goes in to have an abortion and the doctor tells him that he isn't capable of getting pregnant, to which Mrs. Garrison replies: "So you're telling me that i can't get pregnant and all i have is a mutilated penis? Boy do i feel like a jackass."
  15. Probably, this board is full of pussies in their moms basement.
  16. She was surprisingly hot for a Jersey girl (yes hetero)
  17. Again, with gender, it is entirely possible to be born with parts and elements of both genders, literally. With race, you are the race you were born with. You're race doesn't morph, you can be mostly or clearly one race and part of another through genetics, but you that mix or percentage doesn't change one bit, whereas with gender, that can be altered. Not sure why this is so hard to differentiate?
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