Hell, Jerry Brown is one of the finest statesman in US history. Just finished “The Browns of California” by Miriam Pawell and highly recommend it if you’re into CA history, btw.
I see Newsom’s narrative as something like Tommy Carccetti’s from The Wire. Young, douchey ambitious guy who gets into politics for all the wrong reasons (which is to say, the usual ones) and through age, experience and quite a bit of public embarrassment matures to recognize the gravity of his public service. I genuinely think he’s a good guy. You’ll hear stories around SF about his hooker and blows days when he was mayor, and while they may very well be apocryphal folks agree that would have been on brand at the time. But nowadays I’ve also seen him doing unannounced cleanups in the Tenderloin, and by all accounts he does it just for the sake of it.
I think he feels strongly in his need to carry on Brown’s progress to lead the world’s 5th largest economy and address inequality, climate change and the housing crisis, but can’t help but ponder how he could fill in the vacuum in Dem leadership. But a rich white guy from California who checks all the limousine liberal boxes and used to have a coke/Guilfoyle problem? I mean I think he’d be great personally but c’mon.