Well, to be fair, the Dome didn’t really hold - the top ripped open, making it more of a hellhole than it already was.
Katrina in New Orleans was about the levee failures. I’d wager most deaths were from folks returning home after the storm passed - Lakeview and the Lower Ninth, particularly - and were surprised from the rapidly rising floodwater from Lake Pontchartrain following the 17th Street and Industrial Canals, respectively. I’m not super worried about the levees given the massive scrutiny on the Army Corps of Engineers. With SW&B’s utter failure to fix the drainage system, however, I think there’ll be significant flooding, like there usually is, in Mid-City, Gentilly, Broadmoor etc. Also really sucks for the brand new Four Seasons in the WTC - hope they don’t take any wind damage.
As others have mentioned, the coastal parishes are about to get fucked. Wonder how much longer Grand Isle holds on.