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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. Til’ next time folks. It was a reality check tonight
  2. This is true. Won’t matter, but should be recognized
  3. Stupid f’in call Georgia. Still probably going to win, but stupid call nonetheless
  4. Well fuck balls…
  5. Well done Georgia. Texas not quite ready
  6. Quinn, you want a Heisman? This is your moment……
  7. Well done Georgia…..damn….
  8. Well….there’s one player you absolutely can’t do without…
  9. I f’in hate this Modelo commercial for the record. Stupid as f—-
  10. Well done Georgia….damn…
  11. Crowd?…..advantage Horns…..and Beck….well….this could go bad for him…..
  12. I’ll take it, but these refs……man….incompetence under the bright lights fo’ sho’…..
  13. Wow! Right call, but absolutely wrong protocol
  14. Chess match lost…
  15. Need a big play Sark. Can you engineer it?
  16. Field position has been “one” of the stories of this game
  17. Good play call UGA
  18. https://www.tiktok.com/@ueditsv/video/7132385317528538374
  19. Very true, but it does matter “how” they lose.
  20. Say it with me: Georgia……is……better…..and we’re not quite ready
  21. Those calling for a change, while I do agree Arch is more accurate and has more zip, I think that would help with the turnovers, but Georgia’s DEF is so on point, that I think what we really need right now is a mobile QB……and we don’t have one
  22. Georgia defense…..not so wounded as we were lead to believe. Apparently a mobile QB is their Kryptonite
  23. This one’s on the offense so far, but that statement does not dis-credit the Georgia D which has simply been on point.
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