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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. lot of clock burned on those first two drives. Must Arch now….
  2. It’s more like, sorry Fort Collins, but Arch needs the reps…..sorry, not sorry that is….
  3. Well, Golden’s 2nd TD there sure bolstered your point. Bond’s 5 catches 2 and 3 more than anyone else
  4. Shooting from the hip here: The “0” has been more impressive to me than the “24”. Maybe they haven’t had the opportunities yet in this kind of week 1 game, but despite the lofty headlines, the WR room has looked decent, but they’re not making me forget Adonai/Worthy/Sanders just yet. Biggest concern…….O-line in the running game
  5. 3 to Bond, 2 to each of Wingo and Golden so far…..
  6. It feels like we’re minus one giant Bert Auburn gif in the game chat this year EDIT: It’s here, but was a little late ; )
  7. Typical non-crisp opening game 1st half so far
  8. ESPN app???……Fk that shit. End this sideshow Bob game shit now!
  9. And he’s really Sasquatched that face up since I last saw him
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