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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnd a late hit…..
  2. Quinn must be hurt right?
  3. Can’t stop fuck…..
  4. Would’ve also accepted “Frenchies chicken bone”
  5. Cool. Another 4th and short call incoming…..
  6. Looks like Brooks wants it. Feed him
  7. I hope things change and they prove this take wrong, but this is starting to feel awfully familiar…….UT loses a big game against top competition, then brings less than full effort against lesser competition. Need some leadership here, fast.
  8. Sleep walk…..get fucked…..
  9. The statistics say this should be a gorilla boofing. And yet here we are with only a 2-score lead and Coogs driving…..
  10. Tennessee 20- Bama 7
  11. Horns need to get him back….
  12. Coog punter got that stanky leg
  13. Slewing them Coogs like a youngin’ at Tangerines
  14. Slow game thread. We must’ve lost some weight after the OU loss
  15. Go Stros!!! (But fuk dem Coogs)….
  16. Well……not much to say. Maybe this is the kick in the ass this team needs to motivate them to The Big XII title and perhaps the playoff.
  17. Good game. Intense. Finish….
  18. C-L-O-C-K M-A-N-A-G-E-M-E-N-T
  19. Dillon Gabriel’s kind of owned the defense today. Solve that now
  20. Adventurous extra point, but I’ll take it. Anybody’s game now
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