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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. How bout a soul-killing Sanders drop instead?
  2. It’s Gary, but they’re trying really hard to make you believe it’s PK
  3. That’s why you deflate that bitch Brady-style
  4. Let’s prove the shitass Big XII has zero playoff worthy caliber football programs. Let’s fuckdeezfrogs!!!
  5. Man, you must go back a minute to be capable of making that comparison 😁
  6. 5:47…..damn…..late start on the booze. Time got away from me, but I’m on it
  7. Don’t think K-State has the passing game to come back, even against our defense
  8. Largely agree with this take including the “….unless there is a slam dunk situation….” take
  9. No doubt some of the shine on Meyer has been taken off after his disastrous showing in the NFL, but he wouldn’t be the 1st college legend to struggle at that level. Urban Meyer’s results at the college level are, simply put, exemplary and have proven out at multiple destinations. So while I often agree with your takes, Urban Meyer is not a panic hire….ever.
  10. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b46f537f-84e6-45cf-8437-93c3b4ceb4ec
  11. Some shittass tackling if I do say so myself. At least there’s time
  12. What son-of-a-bitch scheduled Astros vs Yanks ALCS during the Longhorn game?
  13. Game feels like a coin flip and an opportunity for either team to start to separate themselves from the log jam at the top of the Big XII standings. With Texas’ remaining schedule we might be saying that a lot (@Ok State, @ K-State, TCU, @ Kansas, Baylor)
  14. Ya’ll are raising some very good points in this thread. Would view again
  15. So, how confident are ya’ll? 4:43 left…….they’re offense back on the field against the defense……….our defense……
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