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  1. Oh I know you liberals aren't tolerant and won't change your mind. That's old news. And because of the intolerance, Trump now has a genius slogan to get out.
  2. Seriously? Yeah, what rock have you been living under? I'm not sure if you know how liberal millennials work but they don't even look at the president's policy and what its done for the country. It's all emotive for them.
  3. Trump has been President for two years now. Still waiting on that fascism...
  4. MAGA bitches.
  5. I'm a white male so my opinion doesn't matter anymore =/
  6. Economy is doing well and no war. I'm sorry you can't get over Trump's rhetoric.
  7. Yep. Keep this train going.
  8. What world do you live in? Do you just believe whatever accusation gets thrown out? Good god, man. That is highly dangerous.
  9. I'm glad we're cool with these life-altering, mendacious accusations. "But I believer her." - Lib mentality.
  10. I'd like to see how you would handle having your name and family dragged through the mud by a 36 year old accusation (with no evidence) that just so happen to be timed perfectly before becoming a SC judge. Everything you worked for in your career just to be tarnished instantly by a baseless accusation. Go crap in your hand, micro-dick.
  11. I just find it intriguing that we haven't heard a peep from her. I hope we hear from her because she's supposedly such a hero but I wouldn't be shocked if we saw the last of her. Smear campaign by using the #MeToo movement was unsuccessful. Go back to the drawing board, Dems.
  12. Oh, so because I don't believe Dr. Ford I'm trolling. Grow a spine.
  13. Ah yes. Reacting with emotion. Typical.
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