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Everything posted by Gucci_Suit

  1. This is spot on. I’ve spent a lot of time in SEC country and been to a lot of games & tailgates etc. The perfect example is my LSU sister-in-law and her family. They’re otherwise great people and very well educated (her dad and brother both doctors), but when it comes to sports and the SEC, they become humorless dipshits. In their mind, we don’t belong because we don’t take sports seriously enough, but also because we don’t attend bible study enough, we use the word “fuck” instead of “frick”, don’t do enough hunting and fishing on our “camps”, our only traditions involve writing big checks, we have gay fans, etc. Oh and Austin is just a big fake city full of tech bros and libtards and no reasonable coach or athlete would want to live here. It’s not exactly that we’re spoiled or entitled, that’s part of it, but also because we’re not just like them and we scare the shit out of them. Aggy is just like them except that they’re an actual cult. They never saw aggy as the sleeping giant. Just a game on the schedule where you get no credit for beating them but they’ll make t-shirts if you lose. Texas scares the shit out of them. Ole Miss people, I know a lot of them, they maybe dipshits but they’re a good time and never humorless.
  2. Yeah aga are going to dogpile and it won’t be close. Combined 15 runs or so.
  3. Confederacy of Dunces should be in the thread title
  4. Non-Luka 3’s and free throws. If the rest of the dudes (non-Lukas) hit shots at average rate and the entire team makes free throws at average rate, you add a minimum 12pts to last nights total. Which obviously wins the game. Honestly the Celts look like they’re playing middle school girls defense. They have like 4 players on 1 guy and leave the others open knowing that they’ll miss open shots or dribble around indecisively until the defense can get there.
  5. Mavs look better in every way but are losing the ref ball and the 50/50 loose balls & rebounds. Frustrating as all fuck.
  6. Yeah I think it’s pretty even skill/ scheme/ size/ etc. Where I think we have an advantage is that we have 2 bad motherfuckers and they have zero. KP getting hot scares someone? He’ll get in his own head and probably miss more games. Tatum knows Luka is that motherfucker. Kyrie has a built in edge. Not sure where they are getting their Jordan/Kobe from, but I know we have 2 dudes that can deliver it.
  7. This true. I made the mistake of driving to 30a last year and this stretch of road was very nice. But it was overwhelmed with jacked up f250s and dodge rams going 100mph and shining huge flood lights from the front.
  8. LSU gals are all 6s and 7s that will beg you to cum inside them (if you’re a Texas guy) but accept a facial if you prefer.
  9. My grandfather was 2nd gen immigrant from Toledo ES and we used to watch RM games together and talk about this very damn thing. Grandfather passed away a few years ago. He would have laughed at just how “Madrid” this win was. Decimoquito. Hala Madrid!
  10. Edmonton reminds me of the Mavs. They have the best player, maybe 2 players, remaining in the playoffs and they seem to have some youthful legs about now. They’re flat out skating faster, checking their butts off, and hitting better than we are. Stars look out of gas. That said, wouldn’t be totally surprised if we see a game 7.
  11. No it was: - take off, hoser -no, you take off or I’ll tell dad you drank all his Elsinore and then this all ensued.
  12. Worst road game I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot. Boring ass place, it was hot, CJ Prosise, painful night-time ride back to Chicago. South Bend is terrible.
  13. I feel like it’s only Tuesday but I’m ready. I fell like we can get 8 wins. I do.
  14. Houston vote is going to come in on the Oilers. But they’re confused.
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