This is spot on.
I’ve spent a lot of time in SEC country and been to a lot of games & tailgates etc. The perfect example is my LSU sister-in-law and her family. They’re otherwise great people and very well educated (her dad and brother both doctors), but when it comes to sports and the SEC, they become humorless dipshits. In their mind, we don’t belong because we don’t take sports seriously enough, but also because we don’t attend bible study enough, we use the word “fuck” instead of “frick”, don’t do enough hunting and fishing on our “camps”, our only traditions involve writing big checks, we have gay fans, etc. Oh and Austin is just a big fake city full of tech bros and libtards and no reasonable coach or athlete would want to live here.
It’s not exactly that we’re spoiled or entitled, that’s part of it, but also because we’re not just like them and we scare the shit out of them. Aggy is just like them except that they’re an actual cult. They never saw aggy as the sleeping giant. Just a game on the schedule where you get no credit for beating them but they’ll make t-shirts if you lose. Texas scares the shit out of them.
Ole Miss people, I know a lot of them, they maybe dipshits but they’re a good time and never humorless.