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Everything posted by Gucci_Suit

  1. Camden, Hoboken, and Jersey City suck. The rest of Jersey is really pretty; not called the Garden State for nothing. Even the jersey shore is kinda awesome. Solid food, people with comical jersey accents, bars that stay open late, high likelihood of getting laid. Cool place. College station, is fucking terrible. It’s a hot, mosquito and roach infested, hellhole inhabited by frustrated closet homosexuals and girls who wear their pajamas to bible study to repent for having sex with her high school boyfriend, whom she’s still dating even though he’s a closet homosexual. The buildings are Soviet style. The restaurants… well I can’t say that I’ve ever been to one, unless you count the Dixie chicken. Fuck that place. I’d rather coach a girls soccer team in Kandahar or something. They’re fucking aggy idiots.
  2. Pretty sure it was actually 10/8. I don’t transact in hyperbole or exaggeration.
  3. Something tells me tech won’t be like 10 for 8 on 4th down like I remember them being last year. They’re ass my dudes. The scenarios don’t matter. Put up 70 and let’s roll to Arlington.
  4. Nick siriani is such a douche
  5. Not sure. They’ve been calling me all day and I’ve just sent them to VM. We have to figure this out quick.
  6. I feel bad for Bryce. I mean, not too bad, but damn.
  7. We’re playing the most mouthy team in the big 12. We’re going to drag nuts on those fuckers. Here we are.
  8. They can do whatever they want unless they bring actual weapons.
  9. Whhhhhhhhheeeeeewwwwww. Refs in this.
  10. This is the game Yormark had circled. It was never the techtard game.
  11. Penalty count going to be 69-0. They don’t care at this point.
  12. Fuck this conference. Fuck it. Let’s win.
  13. Shit, I’d leave college station in a palanquin. It would be like the wedding in coming to America.
  14. Shit, I’d party with Jimbo. Wouldn’t bang Candi tho. Unless they peeled me off some of that new money.
  15. This thread has become way too informational. Where is the ag misery?
  16. Video is kinda silly, but it’s pretty much how I felt during that series. But there were some “fuck this” moments in there too. Don’t matter, we’re the champs. Can’t wait for the “World Champion Texas Rangers Season Thread” next year.
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