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  1. So correct. Be better though if you had more than a whit of understanding wit. Orherwise....yeah.
  2. OB proving...yet again....every accussation made by a Trumpkin is in fact a confession.
  3. A rightist talking about the left's intolerance while simultaneously supporting the Trump regime is ........the working definition of both deluded and hypocrisy.
  4. Do you see Shaggy Bevo in the title of this site?
  5. Oh noes!! You saying he is the lefts TJHooker? Say it ain't so.
  6. He sounds like some (all) GOP congressmean.
  7. Our money, our rules. Right?
  8. Should Bibi build a wall between the two?
  9. Flop sweat is oozing from that tweet.
  10. Atx71

    CPAC 2019

  11. Nah...not homo just very, very sensitive like your messiah.
  12. And the bartender says what will it be Mr. Sack, Mr. Hooker and Mr.icono.....the usual? Pink Daiquiris all around?
  13. Or more former wrestling coaches.
  14. Atx71

    CPAC 2019

    Sounds circumstantial. Not allowed in Surly court.
  15. He visted OMAN??? That has GOT to be fake news. No way!! If I'm wromg....Nobel Peace Prize for certain. Sorry Donald.
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