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Everything posted by Atx71

  1. If not for those dang bone spurs.
  2. That why Rand Paul went to Canada for surgery? Cause he is only comfortable around things that suck like him?
  3. You have a point. I saw him laughing at the reporter with disabilities. Wonderful sense of humor, this guy. And the guy hosting the video.....stop snorting the Adderall.
  4. Like a Trumpkin would recognize the truth? Would Jesus approve of his flock choosing a new Messiah?
  5. No surprise that you'd support a traitor. Maybe a name change to "Donnie's Sack?
  6. Paula and Jennifer were the main reference. Just nasty and trashy. But when viewing it relatively...probably a nice respite. Monica just got starry-eyed and he took advantage.
  7. Atx71


    Boxes like saying Dems that support border security but no wall are for open borders? Like those boxes?
  8. Atx71


    Yes. Otherwise known as selfish assholes.
  9. The DPRK trolled Trump last week by exclaiming it would be Trumps FIRST visit to Viet Nam.
  10. Circumstantial. Never be allowed in court.
  11. This board? Fuck, I have said Trump was in deep with Russian oliarchs back in the late 90s when the buffoon was a Dem.
  12. Yeah? I didnt see Putin's name on mine. But nevertheless.......
  13. Good boy. Now go collect your rubles.
  14. Ahhhhhh ISIS. Good thing President America has wiped them from the face of Earth..
  15. Clinton wasn't mentioned but.....yeah I loved Slick until he gave healthcare reform....the reason I voted for him....to Hillary to fuck up. And when he couldn't keep it in pants, it was a concern of mine, almost as much as his poor taste in women with whom he cheated. Then we elect a foreign born Mooslim who ain't white. Sad.
  16. Awesome post. Now just clarify the gibberish of that last sentence.
  17. I mean what the fuck. He is being treated almost as badly as Obummer the Nigerian born Mooslim Make America Whiter Again.
  18. Just stop. This is embarrassing.
  19. Subscriber or reader since 1978.
  20. Most consistently good magazine for the 41 years that I have been a reader.
  21. A freshman rep and your POTUS has told 8000 lies. You get paid in rubles or bitcoin?
  22. So you think you have a shot?
  23. Yup. And I bet she shaves her pussy. Hairless pussy is my kryptonite. And the first person that posts a pic of a hairless pussy of the feline persuation will get negged to bolivia.
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