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Everything posted by Atx71

  1. Would the shade of brown even matter to the INCEL crowd? Just one breathing? Amirite?
  2. Or.....just go away and play with your Sega? That old enough for you punk? 😆
  3. That was me. The Alex Jones remark. But to be clear I called him Alex Jones son. I am sorry now. I assumed he was 18....19. I am against child abuse.
  4. Well dude, Surly ain't for everybody. Buh, bye.
  5. Soooo....you'd say you were ....triggered?
  6. No. No you really can't. Can you? Ahh....youth.
  7. Is there really suppose to be a 1 in front of the 9? You sound 9....trying to sound 19.
  8. She gets a wide berth due to her public castration of the national embarrassment.
  9. I dont like him but I will vote for him because he pisses off people I hate. Awesome citizen.
  10. Alex Jones' boy is all grown up now. Daddy must be so proud.
  11. Patience. You are in too big of a hurry... afraid he'll slip out. He won't.
  12. Could be because they forgot their place? You know like people of color are always doing. Forgetting their place.
  13. Soooo....not a fan of Christianity huh?
  14. His pardon deal will make you out to be a liar. Shocking as that may seem to a Trumpkin.
  15. Maybe if he didnt claim sole credit for creating the Universe....giving props might be more palatable.
  16. That's what your mirror thinks. Sad.
  17. Deflecting like a true Trump fan boi. .
  18. Awesome. A I'm rubber and you're glue insult at your age ? Clitnaldo you gonna love first grade next year.
  19. Appears 2020 is in the bag.
  20. A Trumpkin deriding anyone for bullying? Funny. As Melanie says....."be best."
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