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Everything posted by Atx71

  1. What any dedicated INCEL would say Sad.
  2. I told the wife in the late 90s that his Deutsche bank pipeline dried up and he got bailed out by Russian oliarchs. I was following because I had taken a keen interest due in part to a class Dr. Parrish taught on Russia and post Soviet Republics in 94. That and I had a personal interest in the fall of the Soviet Empire and the effect Afghanistan played. So far so good. 4D chess ain't won quickly.
  3. You carry his gold plated clubs though.
  4. Meh...Fokker F27 landing sideways in a 40 klick ghibli on a Libyan dirt air strip and Jesus knowing you just quit loving him? Now hand me my beer back.
  5. I got the Never Hillary vibe but after 2 years of the buffoon and you still support him; just makes my day knowing you really are that fucked up.
  6. Just what the bots want to make you believe. Deep, very deep sleeper....impressive comrade A. 🤔
  7. Being a cunt is a prerequisite for debate these days. Get with the times old man.
  8. Shame your folks didn't believe in post-birth abortion. I mean the justification was looking back right at them. Sad. I love the right jumping back hard on the abortion train when all else fails. Trump is going to be the greatest train engineer EVAR!
  9. Ted???? Rupert says "hold my fucking beer."
  10. If his fingers are tapping....he is lying.
  11. Poor Trumpkins So sad she eviscerated Donnie's testicles in public. Oh well....be best. I hear Herman Cain is waiting in the wings.
  12. Not even if it slapped him in the face.
  13. Now I understand the aversion to "moist". I never thought of it in THIS context. Ugh.
  14. I "like" probably 90% of your Traces posts and I see several posts everyday. Great site.
  15. I have been a friend and classmate of Seligers since the 7th grade. There is no straighter arrow in the legislative quiver. And he has more education funding expertise than any other senator. Patrick is a steaming pile of shit who need mental health assistance. Again.
  16. Rupert Murdoch has made a fortune pandering to white rage.
  17. Simultaneous orgasms on Fox and Friends. They love being sticky.
  18. That and gaslighting, deflection, false equivalency ....etc...etc...etc. sad.
  19. A Wall and now canals??? Awesome. Do the Russians supply the concrete AND steel?
  20. Just copying the atl. rights M.O. Parkland school kids say hi.
  21. No library. No library!! Putt Putt Course.
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