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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. In my hotel room in Julian, CA a while ago
  2. She’s talented and pretty funny
  3. Had a Basset in high school and one time that dog nabbed hot baked potatoes wrapped in foil off the counter. Devoured in seconds flat.
  4. You would be surprised how often controlled burns get sideways. Is someone actually advocating for that in urban SoCal? Lulz.
  5. Out of curiosity I checked my Bonvoy app for LA rooms. Nothing exorbitant IMO.
  6. All of Malibu is subject to the Coastal Commission
  7. How many of you assholes are at Home and Away in San Diego?
  8. And your kid used it and didn’t put it back
  9. Flying out the 30th with a connection in Austin. Come say hello.
  10. And that 75 seconds seems like 75 hours
  11. I’d butter either of those muffins though
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