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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Or ski gear with boot bag and ski bag counting as one bag
  2. I’ll want to stay close to my kids, who will probably be manning the California east border DMZ
  3. @Chewbacca Found him. Frontside under Chair 2 2/3rds way up according to Reddit. https://www.vaildaily.com/news/body-of-missing-snowboarder-found-on-vail-mountain/
  4. Someone pitched and someone green lit this
  5. Him winning the 10,000 in 1964 Tokyo gives him a pass
  6. Well, at least this money will go to the government instead of direct investment a la EB5
  7. Did you find the dead guy back there? Did not. Patrol is obviously out there looking/probing/dogs. I don’t thinks he’s in the back. Probably in some tree well in the front is my guess.
  8. Just boarded my flight in Denver back to San Diego. WOW- what a trip. 56” of snowfall since we rolled into Vail. Skied Saturday thru Saturday (took a break Thursday). Back bowls yesterday was some of the best I’ve skied. Coming back mid March 😎
  9. So is there money in transgender? Do they check? I’ve always been a lesbian trapped in a man’s body
  10. Been a fun 3 days at Vail/BC. Light sucks, snow is great. God bless those poor front range souls trying to get home tonight
  11. Why the fuck does that SFGATE article refer to that Ziz dude (?) in the plural?
  12. If you didn’t utilize several courtesy flushes you are. Once that turd hits the water I’m flushing.
  13. How are you still probationary at 16 years?
  14. Thanks. Looking forward to it. I’ll be up there for a week.
  15. Doing that thing that I love the most tonight - I70 west from Denver to Avon at night in marginal weather.
  16. I make that same face when presented with tittays
  17. Wasn’t even close
  18. The boobs one I liked
  19. Somewhat disappointed that Scissor Cave wasn’t a lesbian grind fest
  20. I’m looking for coupons
  21. Love Spreads in and Eminence Front out. Dug it.
  22. The shape of the cart and the display in the background gives it away. I spend too much time at Costco
  23. Some help. its a Costco (liberal return policy) return line and presumably taken recently.
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