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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Upgrayedd

  1. 18 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    I’ll be at the ASU UCLA game on sat.

    Kind of interesting to have a somewhat meaningful game in Tempe in November.

    Swing by the tailgate for Bloody Marys

    16 hours ago, kopp0e said:

    Herm Edwards may have been the most "underrated" hire of last offseason... And the 'Devils should improve next year with a competent quarterback...

    Most likely a true freshman 

    15 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    I don’t think Wilkins is that bad.

    Agreed, when he doesn’t try to do too much.  He’s really settled down the last few games.

  2. 6 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    I know that felt good mentally, but you are SOL on blowjobs for a while.



    Oh wait, that's right you're married.  Nevermind.

    Well, technically not married.  Been living in sin for 13 years though.

    SOL on the BJs is spot on unfortunately 

  3. Watching the baseball game last night with the Avatar.  J.D. Martinez comes to the plate with 1st base open.  Gets intentionally walked.

    Avatar:  *Crushing Candy Crush

    Avatar:  *Looks up  "How did he get on 1st?  What did I miss?"

    Me:  12 pitch at-bat.  Fouled a bunch off.  Advanced to 1st on a balk.

    A:  *???? "I must be losing it.  I don't remember any of that."

    M:  We discussed the whole at-bat while it was in progress.  You don't remember?

    A:  *?????

    M:  We also discussed me getting a blow job tonight.  Your'e the best baby.  Thanks.

    A:  Your'e an asshole.

    A:  *Resumes Candy Crush

    M:  So, no blow job?

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