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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Just realized this year that’s the dude from Big Bang
  2. Upgrayedd

    2023 Heisman

    I know exactly what you are saying
  3. Well, at least we gave both UW and @Sbbruin their last PAC loss.
  4. My recipe for Oh Shit, I Did What? requires scotch.
  5. Divided. Rinsing dishes back into the the dishwater from which it came is for savages.
  6. That’s some high quality lulz - except for the fact that they are real people.
  7. Police pop Pinellas postmortem possum pooper
  8. Combination orgy hut and Taco Bell
  9. It’s not the pay, it’s the benefits
  10. Gotta give him credit for hiding his opposable thumbs
  11. Nice win @Sbbruin. Go beat Cal and remember who gave you your last ever PAC loss 😎
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