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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. I think I took two years in high school. Don’t remember shit. Skipping class to suff probably didn’t help. Recently bought Rosetta Stine to help me get back into it. Still blowing it off to go surf tho
  2. I’m rolling out. Which one of you assholes has a spare room?
  3. I’ll mention that at the bbq
  4. Yup. Was even told I wouldn’t like it. Didn’t believe her.
  5. There’s a whole school in Colorado dedicated to the craft
  6. I’ll tell you how. My SIL is in town for the weekend. She doesn’t drink so she is the DD to drive down to OB for dinner three hours ago. I’m sitting in back because it’s not my car. She’s trying to parallel park. It’s off the rails early. Didn’t pull far enough ahead. Angle too steep. I start providing guidance from the back and she’s doing the opposite of what I’m telling her. Finally, both of these women tell my to keep quiet. Ok, won’t say another word.
  7. Lucky dude. Mount Baker from the comments
  8. I will be there Memorial weekend
  9. Now why you have to go and insult Keyrock like that?
  10. Air pod pros don’t cancel the piercing screams of babies. As I found out Sunday night 😡
  11. Or handing out drugs to fellow passengers
  12. Spend lots of money. Feel free to leave your daughters here when you go home.
  13. Congrats man. I’m in for TJ
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