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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Why is it hard to grow grass in Miami?
  2. It’s gonna be a looooooong year
  3. Looking forward to one last regular season tailgate at the Rose Bowl and looking forward to being able to say forever that AU was never the PAC representative in the Rose Bowl Game. Looking forward to outperforming SB’s predicted 10th place finish and going to a bowl game (hold on - wait, JFC). Looking back on many great memories watching PAC-8, 10, and 12 games.
  4. Don’t you have Apple Care? Take it to the kids with face piercings.
  5. 1998. ASU came in thru the winners side and lost the single championship game to $C
  6. 1998 College World Series says hi. And I agree with you completely.
  7. Rode down for lunch since you mentioned it
  8. La Dona is good. She told me she makes 1,000 a day
  9. Lulz I was thinking about riding my bike down tho Pizza Port 2 hours ago.
  10. If lesbians like girls so much, why do they always try to look like dudes?
  11. Oh don’t you worry, we will have a Guaranteed Max Price in the contract. All the line items will be allowances though. We can go through how those are reconciled after we sign the contract.
  12. That video had me rolling. Congrats.
  13. Glad to see that dude turned his life around and became an LA County firefighter. Be right back, gotta run to the dispensary.
  14. Gave zero, absolutely zero, fucks.
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