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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/17188-soup-stew-chili-gumbo-cold-weather-eats/#comment-2686099
  2. Didn’t Dirtbike have one posted either here or the other site? I remember making it once and it was really hot.
  3. I do a scoop of vanilla Gold Standard whey and frozen fruit from Costco with a banana and almond milk. Ninja that shit.
  4. Hitting Mammoth January 14th thru 17th. With 247”, they are currently at 200% of their average snowfall for this date. Much more to come Monday/Tuesday
  5. I put this squarely on the CFP/ESPN. SoFi has always limited tailgating to a certain area. Parking there sucks ass. They knew what they were getting when the signed this place up.
  6. I wonder what his Surly handle is.
  7. “Be sure you only fuck the ones that cough.” Line gets me every time.
  8. I plan on them kissing my butt for awhile. I’ll be disappointed I’m sure.
  9. Are you trying to do the Three Year Letterman thing? It’s not working.
  10. They account for 34% of the traffic out of San Diego. If I want to get somewhere I can usually do it nonstop on them. I appreciate your sympathy in being poor. I’ll contemplate that as I walk to the beach tomorrow on my morning walk.
  11. Not exactly. If you are A List Preferred, you can jump on an earlier flight if there is room. Use that feature quite a bit.
  12. My favorite. Checks most the boxes.
  13. I fly them over 40 round trips per year. Very rare that I have any issue. YMMV
  14. That echoes what I posted earlier. It’s the crew scheduling. Fucked up like a soup sandwich.
  15. I flew into SAN on Saturday. It was a mess then. Baggage claim:
  16. It’s the crew management process/software/system that’s fucked up
  17. BIL is a SWA captain. He’s currently hanging with us in San Diego. Was supposed to work today and they cancelled his flights. Staffing is a mess as it seems they have no idea where anyone is an can’t get them to where they need to be.
  18. Crap. That’s today? Wish someone told me.
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