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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Just as much as required with a little extra for spite
  2. That and he is flat-out flying across that face
  3. I’d give her an express holiday
  4. Railroad park and Phoenix Zoo
  5. Tuned in for Tits McGee behind home plate
  6. It’s my favorite hands down
  7. Wait until you get the insurance bill from the lender. Cha ching
  8. Give these out to a few of the boys. In lieu of pay.
  9. She was back home last weekend for a baby shower or some shit. Her and her sister spending quality time. Saturday I get a text that she has enabled her Find My locator “in case she gets kidnapped - lol.” I knew what was coming next. This morning- Her: I noticed you didn’t enable your locator. I told my sister you wouldn’t. Me: That’s correct. Her: Blah blah blah what would you be hiding blah blah blah. Me: Ok. Jesus Christ. I’ll turn it on for you. I’m leaving it off on the burner though. Her: [Pause ???] Asshole.
  10. Hopefully because they made their own “Castration” box and checked it
  11. El Charro is next door. Hit that. Nice outdoor patio.
  12. Ya I’ve got none of that. I’m always playing defense like I turned it over at my own 25.
  13. ^This. Don’t even look at the menu. Oysters and stuffed lobster.
  14. We would have flying cars by now.
  15. We are talking about Alabama Tennessee game coming up. Me: Wow. Third Saturday in October already. Her: It’s not. It’s the second. Me: It’s the third. October 1st was a Saturday. [opens calendar on phone. Counts Satudays. One, two, three] Her: Doesn’t count. The third is around the 21st. Me: Because of September 31st this year? Tone
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