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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Where we at? Good question. You would think a 7:30 PM kick against Southern Utah on a hot-as-hell Thursday night before Labor Day weekend would have been a huge draw.
  2. Looks like my timeline of hitting every Pac stadium got moved up a tad. Just had Wazzu, Cal and Stanford left.
  3. Wait - Guh. 2024. Still two more beatings to administer to the Bruins. Yay?
  4. Sucks that the last LA game I attend will be at stinking $C. See you in Tempe in November.
  5. Nice. I'm on the home stretch of inking a deal. I don't have a lot of SF and we are pretty frugal with the T-stat (mile from OB, so a bit cooler). Our overall annual usage is +/- 7,200 kWh and I am struggling with upsizing to 18 panels 11,000 kWh production (allows more heat-pump usage and future elect car) or match my current usage (12 panels) or somewhere in between. Even with the larger system, should be $100 less per month with net metering (as long as that doesn't go away with NEM 3, which I am betting we get grandfathered in). SDGE ain't cutting me a check for the net power I supply to the grid, so I guess that's my hang-up.
  6. Yup. Aggressive management upfront on procurement is the key. On a very large deal here in SD where in exchange for the hold-my-place-in-line deposit, GC is requiring subs to sign a form "in exchange for the deposits, no further escalation on these items." We'll see if that holds. Agree that anything with a chip goes to the front of the line. I'll put you in touch with the GC/electrician. They may be motivated after hearing me recite the LD clause from the contract yesterday. Seeing more deals with actual escalation line items up front. Rent increases appear to be supporting the models - for now. YMMV. Good luck! Side note - I bet our paths have crossed and we don't even know it.
  7. I’m not seeing the runaway price pressures in building costs lately. You? Theft still an issue. Got a spare Square D 1,200 Amp 20 meter-socket entrance section lying around?
  8. Maybe we can appeal to the Super Supreme Court?
  9. Thanks. We have engaged an arborist. Maybe we can tag some as mostly-dead. All of them are either in ROW to be dedicated or in the middle of lots so they all have to go. Project includes new plantings, but way below the replacement targets stipulated in the zoning code and/or the PAD.
  10. I'm familiar with ALTAs. You get one for every single parcel? Can't spin one up until you know who the borrower is, at least if the borrower wants to be in listed in the Certification Statement. Can't rely on it if you are not named. At least my experience out west. Noted on the title. Need that for the ALTA, so that goes without saying. Note on final platting. We have some easements to work through. Have a prelim grading plan and have prepared the sponsor on the forthcoming tree mitigation fee shakedown. Good tips. Thanks.
  11. Silly question for you guys, but I am reluctantly assisting on a project in Dallas area. 47 lots for single family. Do I need to arrange for ALTA Surveys or any other survey beyond the final plat?
  12. It's really the only sensible thing to do, if its done properly. Therapeutically there's no danger involved.
  13. She will be on Mars for two weeks.
  14. The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the white zone.
  15. This was a few years ago. I think she sued and got paid.
  16. Which is probably when Manny comes back
  17. My guess is not until after the all star break
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