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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Most popular Tennessee bourbon? Jack Daniels Most popular Tennessee wine? Why can’t we beat Alabama?
  2. And they know what the monthly nut is. It’s not like they are on adjustables subject to rate risk.
  3. Saw similar at recent Miramar air show. So fucking cool.
  4. Nice side topic- first song first side of debut album. Here’s a good start.
  5. SLC and the Big Cottonwood Canyon areas. Tons of knuckledraggers at Brighton. Solitude is great. Stay in SLC and take the ski bus
  6. I was coming here to post that some asshole left his Whataburger on the roof of his truck and drove off. Guess I’m too late.
  7. I look forward to see how Los Angeles DWP annexes Muskegon
  8. Aguano is the interim. Coached Chandler HS prior. Won a few states. Toss up between me and @Sbbruin who hates $C more
  9. I think that bottle is actually a third full. Trust me. If there is a little bit left in the bottle it goes in the glass.
  10. Well credit where credit is due. She drank the fucking thing the other night.
  11. It was warm for sure. Worth it though.
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