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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Well, it might have in front of her mom. I’m a little fuzzy on the details
  2. Heard the biggest laugh from my mortgage underwriter GF when I read her this post. Need 2 years filed income P&L and ytd 2022. She suggested funding from the Mafia.
  3. Lets choose a color that absorbs as much energy as possible.
  4. Chugged beer while taking a piss more times than I care to admit. Pretty sure the GF has called me a pig for that effort as well.
  5. Oh shit. Ohhh shit. Ohshitohshitohit. Pants. Hey! I'm Buster! Oh shit.
  6. Doubt you are covering PT tendons as those are typically in a duct and grouted after tensioning.
  7. Don't know about out there, but in So Cal, there are two types of homes: Those that have had termites and those that will get termites.
  8. I would pay a significant amount of money to watch Trump live with those people for a week forever. More better
  9. At least 30% of the county has always been insane. Since day one.
  10. The no liquor on Sundays sucks. Sorry to hear.
  11. Like I said. Well done. Congrats.
  12. Welp. Congrats. Well done.
  13. Why don't you just see them at Humphries in SD? If that isn't an option - take train to LA. Stay in LA. Take train back to SD.
  14. Did a trip to Yosemite by flying SWA into San Jose. 2 duffles per kid. Cooler was checked bag stuffed with tents/bags/etc. No fuel. Grabbed rental van and stopped at store for provisions/fuel/etc.
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