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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. SLC and the Big Cottonwood Canyon areas. Tons of knuckledraggers at Brighton. Solitude is great. Stay in SLC and take the ski bus
  2. I was coming here to post that some asshole left his Whataburger on the roof of his truck and drove off. Guess Iā€™m too late.
  3. I look forward to see how Los Angeles DWP annexes Muskegon
  4. Utah is gonna kick their ass
  5. Fucking horseshit
  6. 4 is now my spirit animal
  7. Aguano is the interim. Coached Chandler HS prior. Won a few states. Toss up between me and @Sbbruin who hates $C more
  8. I think that bottle is actually a third full. Trust me. If there is a little bit left in the bottle it goes in the glass.
  9. Well credit where credit is due. She drank the fucking thing the other night.
  10. Upgrayedd

    RIP Coolio

  11. Well, itā€™s the valley.
  12. It was warm for sure. Worth it though.
  13. USMC B I believe
  14. Leave your mother out of this.
  15. Thought the same thing
  16. This hits close to home
  17. Wine in can on ride home Friday. ā€œIā€™ll drink it!ā€ Fridge tonight
  18. Some Miramar Airshow pics F-35 and F-22 demos were kick ass. $35,000 per flight hour should be. Blue Angels of course were amazing. ā€˜Mercia.
  19. NBC Today had an update on hurricane Fiona yesterday along with footage from a sail drone. Itā€™s on while we are getting ready for work. Me: Sail drone? Thatā€™s pretty cool. Her: Thatā€™s just cruel. Poor schmoogies. Me: [pause-think-???-heh] Itā€™s a sail drone babe. Sailboat drone. Not a seal drone.
  20. Havenā€™t listened yet, but itā€™s Steve Millerā€™s Space Cowboy, right?
  21. Because the AD was his agent?
  22. Glad heā€™s gone. Shouldā€™ve been before the season started. Too bad AD Ray Anderson wasnā€™t shown the door as well. Heā€™s the enabler- which shouldnā€™t be surprising since he was Hermā€™s agent. President Crow could go as well. Heā€™s completely killed the tailgate scene and was one of the supporters of fuck-wad Larry Scott. Track record of completely shitty ADs. We will fuck up this next hire. No doubt in my mind.
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