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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Wine in can on ride home Friday. “I’ll drink it!” Fridge tonight
  2. Some Miramar Airshow pics F-35 and F-22 demos were kick ass. $35,000 per flight hour should be. Blue Angels of course were amazing. ‘Mercia.
  3. NBC Today had an update on hurricane Fiona yesterday along with footage from a sail drone. It’s on while we are getting ready for work. Me: Sail drone? That’s pretty cool. Her: That’s just cruel. Poor schmoogies. Me: [pause-think-???-heh] It’s a sail drone babe. Sailboat drone. Not a seal drone.
  4. Haven’t listened yet, but it’s Steve Miller’s Space Cowboy, right?
  5. Glad he’s gone. Should’ve been before the season started. Too bad AD Ray Anderson wasn’t shown the door as well. He’s the enabler- which shouldn’t be surprising since he was Herm’s agent. President Crow could go as well. He’s completely killed the tailgate scene and was one of the supporters of fuck-wad Larry Scott. Track record of completely shitty ADs. We will fuck up this next hire. No doubt in my mind.
  6. 8 games to get 3 home runs and accomplish that in 154 games.
  7. Block a wnb All infested with herpes A lot of herpes I own this shirt
  8. I’m sure you will draw more once you move to the B1G, get that coin, and open conference play with Rutgers.
  9. .5 ppr wr halp Pick 2 besides Higg T Higgins Q Lamb Allen Robinson Josh Palmer J Dotson
  10. Perhaps we should flex with sugar babies?
  11. Truth. My nano puffs are my favorites by far. You ought to be issued one at birth.
  12. Equally sticky is going to be the “deposit to lock in price” that has been utilized lately. Good luck unwinding that.
  13. I use the repair services. I’ve sold back gear. I’ve bought plenty of worn wear. It’s great quality gear- always has been. They have always walked the walk and that’s why it’s been my go-to for winter, summer, gear and clothes. Probably more so now. I applaud this move.
  14. Not sure that deflation is the environment we are looking for
  15. Didn’t watch the HBO series, but enjoyed Serial. Holy shit is right.
  16. Was this really unexpected y/y? At least the m/m isn’t a full point.
  17. We did. Everyone was giving and engaging. Need more girls in cowboy boots in San Diego.
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