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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Resin shortage. From not being able to keep power on somewhere during a cold snap.
  2. A little. They were 12-4 in December and played Boston at home.
  3. I'm going to need to know if the lizard was dressed provocatively before I can really offer an opinion.
  4. I wish I could remember the Halloweens I spent up there.
  5. Looks like I can do it on Wednesday. Sweet.
  6. Crap. The one Tuesday I don't check.
  7. Plenty of invasive plant species prohibited by development codes too
  8. Sorry hon. Fed wouldn’t accept. Bummer, I know.
  9. We have a running contest. Score one point for seeing and calling someone in a onesie. Bonus 4 for getting a high-five. Most points at end of day gets beer from the rest.
  10. Lulz. Conversation between the gf and I when Vanessa and Darius are at that Amsterdam house. Gf: This is what our family did with Nanny. I think she really just hung on to see everyone. [minute later] Me: Y’all do that too?
  11. Little ptex will fix that
  12. It’s not the rate hikes that scare me, it’s when they stop.
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