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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. I hit it waaaaaaay too hard last night. Back at it at The Garage. Yup
  2. He may have blacked out, but we have avoided blackouts (so far).
  3. The old man used to tell me that there were two types of people that employed the rhythm method: musicians and parents.
  4. Oh goody. A blackout contest. I’ll go first. California: 0 Now you. Texas:
  5. Need to see pics of wife topless in order to offer a good recommendation. Being the Cote d’Azur and all.
  6. I’m rolling into Stillwater Friday morning
  7. moe. is a fun band. Wonder why they are only polling at 4.4%
  8. Rolling into Stillwater on Friday to watch my Devils get wacked. Yay!
  9. Been three times. Second the rec on Bier Stein. Fans aren’t bad. I never had an issue.
  10. Early in my career I was a PM at a GC and our weekly status meetings were 7 am every Monday. Left after a year.
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