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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Maybe. Or maybe stop driving in the left lane at the speed limit.
  2. Highest lift in California. Mammoth doing ok considering most of the snow was in December Sign without snowpack for reference
  3. Spent the last week in Mammoth. Plenty of good wind buff up top. Below McCoys was getting really slushy in the afternoon. Laps all week on 23, 3, and 5. Fun groomer bombing on 1, 2, and 10. Saw someone obviously from Surly yesterday out at Outpost. Didn’t get a chance to compliment the onesie. Don’t think it was @Johnny Chimpo, maybe @Sbbruin.
  4. On of the best Sportscenter ads ever
  5. What the fuck are you carrying a gun for? What, in case somebody steps to you, Snoop Dogg? Hey man, you're not from here, alright. You don't know how it is. I grew up in L.A. Anaheim.
  6. WTF is right. Watching on my phone with 1:30 left and I had already resigned myself that they were going to lose. Really wanted another crack at Harvard on Speedway again too.
  7. I live a few miles from the largest US naval base. You guys have fun.
  8. Cut is ctrl - x. Copy is ctrl - c. Maybe that's the problem?
  9. Looking forward to their 2nd round exit
  10. Los Angeles has gotten good bang for the buck on Olympic facilities.
  11. Put her on the train to San Diego. We'll have a good time.
  12. I'll start checking the mail for the fuck-ton of drink coupons that I'm due.
  13. Roofies are wasted on the willing. My $0.02.
  14. Sorry I’m missing the fun. Not going to reach Tahoe, is it?
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