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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Surprisingly it does not. Treatment, shelter, incarceration and/or GTFO. Right? That is the part that floored me.
  2. She is a fucking loon; however, I have to say the fact that she has an actual homeless policy is unique for the GQP. Not sure the $50MM is going to cut it and I am sure that the end goal is to round them up and ship them west.
  3. I'm going to need to see pics of the assistant in order to provide guidance.
  4. Pretty much where I’m at. I’ll chuckle and shake my head, but I’m not boosting that theory
  5. We were howling on the bit on why lesbians are so unhappy and why gay men were.
  6. He had to take them because he is the rightful President. That one too.
  7. She’s got some kind of shit going on. Tele-doc appointment tomorrow with the couchie doc. ”Hopefully they will proscribe a patch that will fix everything that is wrong.” “That’s gotta be a big fucking patch.” Tone
  8. Bump cause Red Rocks is fucking hilarious. Haven’t laughed that hard in awhile. Netflix.
  9. Turned to the gf during that scene. “I’m gonna try that.” “No you won’t.”
  10. Stealing this: Many people are saying it was the best warrant. A perfect warrant.
  11. Spielberg Jaws Close Encounters 1941 Raiders ET
  12. You don’t have to redo the ending though. Somewhat of a complaint on Red October. Huge complaint on Clear and Present Danger.
  13. LO Fucking L that these cunts use California surf culture as their calling card. I invite every one of those assholes to show their face in this state, let alone So Cal. Cunts.
  14. Book was much better. I wish they would have played it more towards the surface ship/action/tension. Books are always better though.
  15. I… you… I’m a lawyer. What did I do to you?
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