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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion in the ocean.
  2. Legends, right? 2nd Street used to be my old stumbling grounds (although Legends was in a different location during my time0. Looks like they painted him in Los Alamitos HS colors.
  3. Never heard of them but I know 98 degrees This band was 34 degrees cooler
  4. Some 90s band for Point Loma Concert Series. 64 degrees
  5. When does she get parole?
  6. Borego Springs and El Centro. Inland.
  7. This. This is a horrible idea. I'm in.
  8. Lulz. And they have a segment like every ten minutes in the morning to boot. Spend a lot of time talking about how the weather will be different along the coast, inland, mountains, and desert. When the overcast will burn off. Wave height, direction, and rip currents. High tide and low tide. Water temp. UV index. Adopt-a-pet
  9. GDP growth with population decline is a challenge.
  10. Kinda proves my point. This is allegedly $30 million in marginal revenue.
  11. Well, perhaps from kick to the middle of the first quarter and innings 1-2 and 8-9 he’s not.
  12. Distribute all you want. You can distribute until the cows come home. Put BTN into every house in California. It will be a channel scrolled over unless either $C or UcLA is playing a live game. I keep telling you, fickle SoCal fans don't give two shits about the majority of the B1G slate of games; and they certainly won't give two shits about the replay of Indiana at Rutgers baseball which comes on here shortly. Oh and you know who cares about viewership? Advertisers.
  13. "They" are the midwest transplants living in SoCal that Mach referenced. If it was about grabbing the transplant market, there are a ton of transplants (both permanent and winter visitors) in the 5th largest media market in Phoenix. Somewhat confused by your point that it's not about viewership, but your example is about viewership. Hey, I'm in San Diego and I get the BTN. It comes with my sports package. My point what is the marginal increase of B1G football/other sports does adding $C/UcLA bring from SoCal. If you were a fan before, you were already tuning in. Are the fickle eyeballs of the LA schools worth that much for the 16 games? I doubt that SoCal viewers are going to pivot their entertainment time to Rutgers/Northwestern 9 am kick just because it's a conference matchup. The entertainment time is important as you need to compete against non-sport LA activities (huge), two MLB teams for Sept and maybe Oct, two NFL teams on generally the same schedule, two NBA teams that start in October, two NHL teams that start in October.
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