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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Pics of wife that neighbor wants to take a spin on as compensation?
  2. It usually is if you want to sue them for screwing up
  3. Only time that I actually root against Sun Devils. Well, I may just root for Sergio and Hovland to spray it all over the place . . . .
  4. Must be talking about a different Eugene Levy.
  5. The flat earth confuses a lot of people in this regard
  6. I went outside to look, no joy. I’m in Point Loma though. North County obviously better
  7. 🎶 The youngest one’s a kook 🎶
  8. Can someone explain to me please why, with all the inflation boogie-men, the 10-year remains at 1.34%?
  9. I have zero supporting data, but anything with polymer or resin has been tough since the Texas coldfreezepocolypseboogaloo. Maybe it’s worked it’s way into styrofoam
  10. Your coworker's family hates him and doesn't want him back. ^This. All open. Bring your money. November weather should be good. Can't guide you on the kid-friendly, sorry. I avoid those places.
  11. Well, she did grow up in North County. Got bounced as Miss California for same-sex marriage views . . .
  12. I don't think there is one home from South Lake Tahoe thru the West Shore that has a defensible perimeter.
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