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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the white zone.
  2. This was a few years ago. I think she sued and got paid.
  3. Which is probably when Manny comes back
  4. My guess is not until after the all star break
  5. Well, it might have in front of her mom. I’m a little fuzzy on the details
  6. Heard the biggest laugh from my mortgage underwriter GF when I read her this post. Need 2 years filed income P&L and ytd 2022. She suggested funding from the Mafia.
  7. Lets choose a color that absorbs as much energy as possible.
  8. Chugged beer while taking a piss more times than I care to admit. Pretty sure the GF has called me a pig for that effort as well.
  9. Oh shit. Ohhh shit. Ohshitohshitohit. Pants. Hey! I'm Buster! Oh shit.
  10. Doubt you are covering PT tendons as those are typically in a duct and grouted after tensioning.
  11. Don't know about out there, but in So Cal, there are two types of homes: Those that have had termites and those that will get termites.
  12. I would pay a significant amount of money to watch Trump live with those people for a week forever. More better
  13. At least 30% of the county has always been insane. Since day one.
  14. The no liquor on Sundays sucks. Sorry to hear.
  15. Like I said. Well done. Congrats.
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