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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Rousting me for drinking a beer by the gate based on my recent experience.
  2. Heh. Just used this on my less-experienced PMs earlier this week. Well sort of. I asked the dimensional differences between 2x4 and 3-5/8 steel studs.
  3. Wait until one of those panels falls off and injures somebody. Someone gonna get sued.
  4. Cocaine, sexual tension, repressed emotions, and talent make good music.
  5. Lulz on the chica with the white hat getting hers in too
  6. JFC. They gonna send me this many ballots too? Only two registered voters here.
  7. I’ll vote no on the recall. Not sure yet how I’ll vote on the second part. Complete waste of time and money IMO. I forgot of much of a sport recalls are in CA. Perhaps a little preview of coming attractions in 2022 ads features a lot of footage from January 6 along with “hey, you want these nut-jobs in control? Vote no”
  8. Agree. Don’t understand some of the online hate.
  9. Hopefully not tomorrow. I have a tee-time. Was supposed to be today but I rescheduled because of that intergalactic war thingy.
  10. So get hired at the wage and benies that the union negotiated but not join?
  11. Every time I think I’m too late to capitalize, I’m proved wrong.
  12. Upgrayedd


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