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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. That looks pretty fun. Let us know how you like it!
  2. Upgrayedd


    Thanks for posting this. The descriptions of Long Beach and that culture in that time period was pretty spot-on. Actually went to high school and regularly got high with one of these dudes and can remember a few house party shows.
  3. I'll loan you mine. You'll take care of it and it will come back in one piece, right?
  4. Raises hand. Also had this And this
  5. Empire Part Two: Military Industrial Complex Boogaloo
  6. There’s a dude that posts up in Pacific Beach just north of the pier with a bike repair biz under an easy-up canopy. He’s always got a couple of bikes up on a rack.
  7. Not surprised by that story by the least bit. Not shedding a tear for Ted and his kid. He enables that shithead by being a member.
  8. Thought they were funding that with rep. Crud. I’ve been saving.
  9. Wait- no rep? How am I gonna get laid
  10. Do not desecrate that band by associating them with that shit head please
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