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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Maybe reverse mortgages are tempering that activity a bit. I have no idea really.
  2. Common CC&R restriction Fair game
  3. Or get in on the action by asking for a "service fee" to keep your mouth shut.
  4. Rolling into town for a week for a conference. Staying close to La Cantera Resort (what part of town you guys call that?) Anyway, dinner recs out that direction? Naked beggar establishments? Won't have car, so keep that in mind . . . Thanks!
  5. Resin shortage. From not being able to keep power on somewhere during a cold snap.
  6. A little. They were 12-4 in December and played Boston at home.
  7. I'm going to need to know if the lizard was dressed provocatively before I can really offer an opinion.
  8. I wish I could remember the Halloweens I spent up there.
  9. Looks like I can do it on Wednesday. Sweet.
  10. Crap. The one Tuesday I don't check.
  11. Plenty of invasive plant species prohibited by development codes too
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