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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. So it should come as no surprise that none of that shit happened. You would think that today, people would recognize that the fear mongering is exactly that - fear mongering. Every one of those people in that photo has a new boogeyman, and it’s not the thing that really needs to be feared.
  2. That I knew. Not exactly an across the board type thing though (used to be iirc)
  3. Absolute missile into the dugout 7B1FA958-A90C-4BCD-B77D-2B27D33DF3DF.mp4
  4. Have a cousin in Sarasota. A little inland close to the 75. They are packing up. They are probably 35 feet above sea level. My favorite bar out there O’Leary’s on Sarasota Bay may not make it.
  5. Lebong is clearly a member of the lizard community
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