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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. It's Martha Radcliff, homemaker, mother of 4, grandmother of 6, from Holstein Iowa.
  2. I believe those shown are all Frys. Kroger parent. Frys branded. Driving around Phoenix looking for Kroger, and driving by Frys, because Google maps says there is one there, is something stupid my ex-wife would do.
  3. Less angry about this since I’m fully vaxed tomorrow
  4. No Kroger’s in Phoenix
  5. Well, they will be on May 24th.
  6. That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.
  7. 7 + 8 = 15 carry the 1
  8. Been all downhill since I moved back. My bad.
  9. Upgrayedd

    Bucket of rats

    Mmmm what's that up there? Crap. Hey Carl. Hey Mike. Hey Sam. Hey Nick. Hey Sue. Hey Julie.
  10. Yup. Kinda bananas really.
  11. I may have a THC induced reading comprehension issue
  12. Michigan isn’t playing Ohio State next year?
  13. Hey originators. How's the queue looking? Hearing reports that those numbers are way down from this period last year.
  14. Sorry for partying
  15. 36 hours into Moderna #2. Tylenol took care of the stoney feel yesterday afternoon. After work, a little edible intake, pizza, red wine, and more Tylenol. Slept like a baby. Arm is sore like other vacs. Cell reception and speed improved.
  16. I'm going to eat some Tylenol, edibles and pizza, drink a lot more water, and go to bed early. At least that's my plan.
  17. Moderna #2 yesterday afternoon. A little stoney. Drinking a lot of water.
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