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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. You are assuming that they use $60 online price. There’s shipping and handling and legal and whatnot. Actual unit cost bid will probably be $75 a unit.
  2. Some old school hate in Yankees Royals too.
  3. Unpaid bills going back to 2018 and they let him hold another rally? City of Erie are idiots
  4. America’s Airshow at Miramar today. I know where March AFB is. I’ve been to March. That logo is misleading. EP-3 Smart Marines in the shade. Captured MiG based on my viewing of Top Gun IMG_1130.mov F35 hanging around Knew you animals would ask about the blond bun in the F35 video IMG_1143.mov Blue Angels
  5. In-laws in Greenville SC still without power with large trees strewn around neighborhood blocking access
  6. I’ve added to my celebration supplies. 4 bottles Dom chilling.
  7. They used to be confined to their village. Now, they have social media to connect and amplify.
  8. Ohhhhh, that’s what crypto is for! I’m an idiot. I thought it was drugs, prostitution, tax evasion and loss of capital.
  9. Would rather have a sister that’s a whore than a brother that’s a teamster. According to my operating engineer brother
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