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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. I’ve told the avatar that if I kick, she is to create an account here and request a clean wipe. I have let her know if y’all don’t ask to see her tits, she has logged on to the wrong site.
  2. No such thing as bullet proof. Bullet resistant. When do the glasses with plastic shrapnel and maxi pad koozies come out?
  3. I see that ad every other commercial break in Nevada during my work trips. Thankful that we don’t get bludgeoned with political ads in California. They are a beating.
  4. I can tell by the lack of ad buys here in San Diego Jesus is gonna count the votes.
  5. We have been doing it for years. Get on board. All the cool kids are doing it. Nobody wants lift-served terrain.
  6. Ya I’m staying tuned
  7. After my grandfather passed, brother and I inherited two desert tortoises that were my dad’s when he was our age (elementary school). They are shitting machines. Love to eat snails. Escape artists. They would burrow under the fence and just cruise down the sidewalk. We ultimately wrote our address in nail polish on the shells. We were always told they were two males and we would joke about our gay tortoises since on liked to mount the other. Turns out one was female (found eggs). We ended up sending them to a desert tortoise sanctuary. I like to think they are probably still around getting busy.
  8. Appears to be the right one to me. 2,1
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