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Everything posted by derpyhorndog

  1. Upon his hiring, Sark flew to Austin on Arnold & Itkin's jet.
  2. I did. There was one other set at that store, if you/anyone want me to buy the other and bring it back.
  3. I thought the same but still bought without hesitation 😄
  4. Walking through Prague just now and found the most unexpected of souvenirs. I’m taking it as a good omen. Also lol at Blue being the tiny one with no front number.
  5. I’m 99% sure it was actually called on UT this year, sometime in second half of season. IIRC, swing pass to the top of the screen, RB (Blue, I think) gets caught up behind the LOS and DJ or Cam tries to pull him forward out of a tackle. Only reason I remember is because I didn’t realize that was a penalty (thought it was included in the tush push blessing) and was surprised by the flag.
  6. Clip-on bow tie, would not bang
  7. I think the OU stuff is a fakeout. The way Fasusi and his walk-on buddy were looking under the table and smiling make me think its Texas. Yes, that will be $9.95. EDIT: Nevermind. RED NLI FOLDER. I REPEAT, RED FOLDER.
  8. Pulled from Twitter/X rando, so take FWIW
  9. It will if the defense pitches a shutout! Similar to, you know, three days ago. /s (kinda)
  10. Holy shit, I agree with…futureman. Thus begins my cognitive decline.
  11. By far the best deep balls I saw were at 6:03 (best of the bunch), 6:31 and 10:40. Know it's highlights, but QE showed good pocket presence on more plays here than I recall seeing throughout this season. No surprise, but seemed like teams bit on (respected) the play action more than now.
  12. Ha, relax and take a seat. You quoted me first, tough guy.
  13. Correct, don’t know and don’t care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No offense, of course.
  14. Hey man, I’ll take all the imaginary internet points I can get. Is there a separate tracker for Derka rep?
  15. Here you go. While it requires reading between the lines, it is clear what you were saying in reality is that Quinn sucks to any objective (not burnt-oranges glasses) viewer — i.e., you. Though I expect you’ll have an explanation to dance around that. I’m too lazy to post all your other observations in this thread at the moment but, while you never used used the exact words “he sucks,” there are at least seven other posts that could be interpreted as such (individually or in the aggregate). I’m not even saying the view would be wrong, but to take the position that you haven’t said he sucks in alternative words is disingenuous.
  16. You’ve got to be kidding me. I knew the medical field was crooked . . . my urologist is about to get slapped with a HIPAA suit for this shit.
  17. I’m just going to go out on a limb here and posit that if someone is struggling with mental health issues, finds difficulty taking flack from internet strangers and has (justified or not) over a long period of time developed a persona on a particular forum that makes said flack much more likely to be received and much more likely to be of the extreme variety, then perhaps that someone should simply avoid that particular forum. Can’t speak for anyone else here but, while I’m personally sympathetic to your struggles @Derka, none of us here have an obligation to treat you with bubble wrap or kiddie gloves. Immamac and blacklab are not your protectors. This place is what is it, you know better than anyone. Everyone is susceptible to shit talking and bashing here, including of the extremely personal variety (if you give any of these degenerates personal info to run with). You’re not special, I’m not special, no one is special in this no-man’s land. Accept it and either avoid this place or assume the risk.
  18. LOOK at these BLOODY dimples! Thing’s got a fucking Gus in the front AND a fucking Mountie in the back?!? Twat of a donut that designed this “trophy” must of been blowing his boyfriend while getting chased by Canuck police!!
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