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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Colombia accepted 475 deportation flights coming from the U.S. under the Biden administration. In 2024 alone, the country accepted 124. They just don't want them treated like animals. I hate that this is being framed as a win for the Trump administration. Colombia got it's terms met, so they allowed a clearly established precedent to resume. It's really that simple.
  2. Looks like they're selling the whole business, as the owner is simply retiring after 38 years. I'm guessing that someone will buy it and not change a thing.
  3. I tried shake shack for the first time yesterday to see what all the hype is about. I don't like hamburgers, so I got the chicken nuggets, and they weren't all that great. The shake was very good, but all in all I don't see what all the fuss is about.
  4. Up here in the twin cities there are several spots that offer juicy lucys that are remarkably similar to that on the inside- obviously they serve it as a hamburger. My favorite (served only periodically as a burger of the month), is the El Guapo at the Blue Door pub.
  5. I've started at the windmill bit, but the whole vid is great.
  6. Close. His lifelong dream is to be adored and accepted by the privileged class (a benchmark that has always alluded him). The "most enthusiastic people" you mention disgust him. They are simply a means to an end. He's cool with them fearing him, but really gives two shits otherwise- which is why he's fucking them.
  7. The worst offenders, and largest demo, will be dead in 10. Shortly after the election, our family went to the in-laws. My son quickly joined his grandfather in the den where he was catching the very end of the Bears/Lions game (in which the Bears inexplicitly let the time run out on the game). One of them expressed how much that sucked for Bears fans to have to watch that, and my son remarked about how he heard that violence (meaning domestic violence) went up in NFL cities after losses. To which my FIL replied, "Yeah, Chicago is very, very dangerous. It's a Democrat controlled city". I overheard this as I was still unpacking in the kitchen and reflexively yelled "NO", as if he was a dog squatting to take a shit on the carpet. That was the end of that, for that evening anyway.
  8. My favorite Katie Porter take down of all time. Unfortunately you can't shame the shameless.
  9. Looks delicious! I grew up and San Antonio, but I've always known that as s a hamburger steak- pepper steak was a stir fry. Surprised I've never heard of that.
  10. I legit thought this was going to be an immigration/deportation thread. https://www.the74million.org/article/trumps-deportation-plans-threaten-millions-of-families-who-is-protecting-them/ "Parents showing their children where passports and other important legal documents are hidden at home. Mothers and fathers signing affidavits outlining who their childrens’ caregiver would be. Guardians making arrangements with schools for dismissal in the event they have been picked up by federal agents in a deportation sweep. These are the daily conversations and heartbreaking realities mixed-status families — where not all kids, parents or grandparents hold American citizenship or legal status to reside in the U.S. — are rehearsing in case children come home to an empty house."
  11. I don't hate that it's district by district, I just don't understand why any of them wouldn't pull the plug today. Unless you're like some private schools in which 95% of the kids get dropped off at the door by their parents, it really just doesn't make sense. Hell, the private school my kids go to fits that description and even we got canceled.
  12. -17 at my house. All the schools around here are closed for the day. My dogs are not happy. The one who usually spends 30 minutes outside to start the day was like "nah, I'm good."
  13. I'm serious. To anyone just beginning the 2nd season, Watch the "previously on" before episode 2, and then skip to the "previously on" for episode 3. Continue this until the second to last episode and then watch it and the finale beginning to end. You will miss a whole lot of boredom and cringe, but nothing of import.
  14. I thought the same thing about Minnesotans, but concluded that the 3% probably differentiate themselves as "Upper-Midwest" with the remaining .5% distinguishing themselves as "Great lakes" or "Great Plains".
  15. I haven't used mine at all, just shoveled once. Last year I didn't use it until March. 2022/2023 was record snow though. You never know.
  16. That's because Ashlee got nervous and started dancing the jig like a dork. You can be fraudulent, just not un-cool.
  17. Whoops. That's Celsius. It's really only about 0, so I'm not sure what he's bitching about.
  18. The boy has a ski-comp all day today. Poor bastard.
  19. He was worried about UK knife crime. Let's see how he does with Romanian prison-shanks. I'm sure the guards will be interested in his opinion.
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